ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


The Influence of New Criticism on Western Literary Theory and Criticism

  • 摘要: 依据解构主义为参照对象,考察新批评派对于西方文学理论与批评等研究领域所产生的诸 种影响。选取雅克 ·德里达、保罗 ·德曼与哈罗德 ·布鲁姆作为切入点,通过系统与深入的 多维考察,对于新批评派与解构主义的文学批评观念与实践之间所存在的沟通与互动、承继 与超越等诸种关联性予以交互阐释。


    Abstract: New Criticism has produced a lasting impact and caused enormous response in Western literary theory and criticism. Concerning on the developing period of contemporary Western literary theories, it is evident that some complicated relevance, such as similarity and differences, have been exiting between New Criticism and other schools of literary theory and criticism after it in many ways. Accordingly this thesis not only makes a systematic and multi-dimensional inspection, but also does referent research and interactive explanation on the relatedness of communication and interaction, and inheriting and exceeding between referent research objects from the perspective of deconstruction.


