On Bingxin-s Reader-centered Outlook of Translation and Its Translation Principles
摘要: 冰心不仅从事文学创作,也翻译了大量的外国优秀作品。纵观她的翻译作品,冰心翻译的" 读者意识"始终贯穿于她的整个翻译过程,而且具体落实于指导其翻译的"信、顺、美"三 原则之上。文章简要概述了冰心先生的"读者意识"翻译思想,并结合其翻译实例分析了她 在翻译实践中所奉行的具体翻译原则。Abstract: Bingxin not only wrote a lot of excellent masterpieces, but also translated a great number of outstanding works in her life. Through the analysis of her translation, we found that she constantly kept the target readers in her mind and always based her translation on the three principles, namely, faithfulness, expressiveness and beauty. The present paper intends to demonstrate her translation principles by making a detailed analysis of her translation works.
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