ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C

伊丽莎白 ·毕晓普诗歌中的非个人化张力

Impersonality of Tension in Elizabeth Bishop-s Poetry

  • 摘要: 美国当代女诗人伊丽莎白 ·毕晓普的诗歌在美国诗坛享有崇高的声望。她的诗歌以客观而又 激发想象力的意象和节制、冷静的风格而独树一帜。文章运用艾略特的"非个人化"理论, 对伊丽莎白 ·毕晓普诗歌中的非个人化张力进行研究,认为其诗歌中的张力首先来源于头脑 中的"客观想象力",其次来源于其通过揭示普遍真理以及超现实主义手段的运用而实现的 情感逃避。


    Abstract: Elizabeth Bishop, one of the most important poets in the twentieth-century American literary world, is recognized as unique mainly for her objective and the "imaginative" images and the detachment in her poetry. This article attempts to study the tension in Elizabeth Bishop-s poetry based on T. S. Eliot-s "Theory of Impersonality" and to draw a conclusion that Bishop-s tension in poetry comes from two aspects: firstly, her objective imagination; secondly, her evasion of emotion through the revelation of "universal truth" and the strategy of surrealism.


