Translation Work-s Quality Control in Engineering College Students- Graduation Project
摘要: 很多高校都将文献翻译作为本科毕业设计的一项重要内容,由于对翻译工作的理解和重视存在诸多差异,加上对其质量的控制和评价缺乏一定的标准,其实施的效果往往不尽人意。在调研了多个院校的毕设实践经验的基础上,分析了毕设翻译工作的意义,综述了其存在的问题,结合当前《质量工程》的精神和要求,介绍了其在北京航空航天大学电子信息工程学院工科本科毕设实施中的改进经验。Abstract: Translation work is regarded as an important part in college students- graduation project, but its quality is not satisfactory because of the differences in management and the lack of effective evaluation standards. This paper reviews the problems after investigating many universities- experiences. With requirements from the Ministry of Education-s "Quality Engineering for College Education", the quality improvement methods for translation work in our engineering school are introduced.