ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


An Analysis of China's Agricultural Ecological Environment Improvement Innovation

  • 摘要: 环境保护是中国的基本国策,农业生态环境治理是环境保护的一个方面。首先回顾了中国农 业生态环境治理制度变迁的历程,在此基础上总结出中国农业生态环境治理制度的变迁路径 ,最后指出激励机制的市场化、治理主体的多元化和逐步改变"以户为主"的农业生态环境 治理模式是中国未来生态环境治理制度的创新方向。


    Abstract: Environmental protection is China's basic national policy. The agricultural ecol ogical environment governance is one aspect of environmental protection. First t his article reviews the course of China's agricultural improvement of the ecolog ical environment changes. On this basis is summed up the changing trails of Chin a's improvement of the agricultural ecological environment. In the end, this art icle concludes that the market-oriented incentive mechanism, the diversificatio n of corpus and the gradual changing of the household units improvement mode are the future direction of the improvement of the ecological environment innovatio n


