ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


An Empirical Study of Price Clusterings in China's Stock Market

  • 摘要: 以中国股票市场部分股票的日内逐笔报价与成交价作为资料来源,验证价格集聚现象是否存 在于中国股票市场。实证结果发现,约有28%的报价和成交价的尾数集聚在0和5,显著拒绝 等概率分布假设;且价格集聚程度还具有显著的日内效应,即开盘时段的价格集聚程度明显 高于其它时段;价格集聚程度与价格波动性、买卖价差、成交笔数、价格水平都呈正向相关 关系。


    Abstract: This article provides the evidence of price clustering in China's stock market b y using intraday quoted and traded prices. The results show that last digits of prices are significantly different from the uniform distribution and about 28% t rades or quotes cluster on 0 or 5. The intraday pattern of price clustering is a lso found. An extremely high percentage of price clustering appears at the openi ng. Estimation results document that the degree of price clustering increases wi th high volatility, bid-ask spreads, transaction frequency, and price level.


