价值工程分析方法及其在机场 项目中的应用
Value Engineering Analysis and Its Application to the- Construction of the Second Beijing Capital Airport
摘要: 提出了大型项目价值工程分析方法和流程,并将其应用于北京首都第二国际机场项 目。从机场项目的建设过程及最终交付物两个方面对机场项目价值链进行了研究,得到了详 细的机场项目价值列表。以项目利益相关者价值最大化为目标,在对首都第二机场四类可供 选择的方案进行初步价值工程分析和筛选的基础上,采用改进的模糊质量功能展开法评价了 四个潜在的新机场选址方案,得到了价值最优的场址方案。Abstract: This article puts forward the approach and the procedure for value engineering a nalysis of large-scale projects and applies them to the construction of the se cond Beijing Capital Airport. The value of the airport project is analy zed from the aspects of airport construction and facilities. A detailed list of the value of airport projectis presented. Four tentative schemes for the constru ction of the second Beijing Capital Airport are discussed with a view to achievi ng the maximal value. Finally, four alternativelocations for the new airport are evaluated using fuzzy Quality Function Deployment (QFD), of which the one that produces the maximal value is proposed.