ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Application of Optimized Entropy Weight Model to Post occupancy Evaluation

  • 摘要: 为了对香港学校建筑使用后进行科学客观的评估,提出了将指标的客观熵权作为评 价指标的权重系数,并与TOPSIS法整合,形成多指标决策的熵权优化模型。运用该模型对办 公室和教室进行使用后评估分析,结果表明该模型能够避免主观判断的不确定性和随意性, 并发现其中一所学校的评估结果还在可接受范围之内却仍被重建,这是一种不经济和不合理 的做法。建议政府在投资新建之前对现有建筑进行使用后评估,使得投资更有价值。


    Abstract: In order to explore the Post-occupancy Evaluation of schools in Hong Kong, an e ntropy weight model is proposed in the article. In this model, the objective ent ropy weight is employed as the weight of criteria and integrated with TOPSIS met hod. The model is applied to POE of offices and classrooms in schools. The findi ngs indicate that it can avoid uncertainty and randomicity of subjective judgmen ts. Moreover, it is found that one of the schools under study has acceptable P OE but is still re-built. Therefore, the government should evaluate the necess ity of investments before commencing new building projects.


