Theory and Application of Project Management Maturity Model
摘要: 项目管理成熟度模型不仅可以用来对企业的项目管理能力进行评级,而且可以通过评估企业 当前项目管理的水平,找出不足与差距,为企业提供持续改进的方法与途径。文章回顾 了项目管理成熟度模型的发展历史,对国际上应用比较广泛的几种项目管理成熟度模型 进行了对比研究,在此基础上分析了项目管理成熟度模型在中国企业的应用现状,最后指出 建立适合中国企业的项目管理成熟度模型需要解决的主要问题。Abstract: Project Management Maturity Model is used for assessing the level of e nterprise project management capability as well as providing methods for continu ously improving by benchmarking. This paper firstly reviews the development of p roject management maturity model, then studies several overseas models and at la st, analyzes some problems about the application of project management maturity model in local firms through generalizing the state of the art of the applicatio n of PMMM in local firms.