ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


The Developed Countries- Motives for and China-s Prospective Countermeasures against the Erecting of TBT

  • 摘要: 在中国出口大量受到国外TBT限制的今天,探寻中国的应对策略,尽快突破贸易壁垒显得尤为重要。但要找到有针对性的对策,就要从TBT的产生根源入手。文章在分析中国出口受TBT影响的基础上,从发达国家设立TBT的动因出发,探析了中国的应对策略。


    Abstract: Against a background of foreign countries- imposing TBT on China-s exports nowadays, an exploration of China-s prospective countermeasures against TBT is increasingly brought to the fore. A probe into the context where TBT was erected is a prerequisite for securing the appropriate countermeasures against it. . Based on an analysis of the current situation of the Chinese foreign trade in relation to TBT, the article studies the developed countries- motives for a nd China-s prospective countermeasures against the erecting of TBT.


