ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


E-G Helps to Construct Service Government

  • 摘要: 20世纪60年代以来,建设服务型政府成为世界各国政府改革的共同趋势。为顺应世界改革潮流,加速推进政府职能转变,建设服务型政府已经成为中国"十一五"时期政府转型的明确目标。电子政务与服务型政府具有内在价值统一性,电子政务是建设服务型政府的有效手段。信息化条件下,提高政府服务能力的关键在于增强电子政务的服务水平。


    Abstract: Since 1960's, Constructing Service Government has become the common reforming t rend of many countries. In order to adjust to the situations of the world, our c ountry aggressively pushes forward the government function changing. Building se rvice government has already become an explicit target of our government during the government changing form in the "11th Five-Year Plan" period. The E-G an d Service Government have the same inside values,the E-G being the valid means of constructing service government. Under information-based condition, the ke y of raising government service ability lies in strengthening the E-G service l evel.


