Rural Public Product: Policy Contributors and the Construction of Supply Mechanism
摘要: 农村政策各个阶段有其不同的特点,由此形成的公共产品供给机制也不同。随着政府确立优先发展重工业与建立城乡有别的公共产品供给体制农村公共产品的供给逐渐萎缩,自上而下的公共产品供给机制使得极为紧缺的制度外公共产品供给脱离农民需求实际,税费改革乃至于取消农业税又对农村公共产品供给形成"釜底抽薪"之势。化解当前农村公共产品供给困境的关键是建立公共财政框架下的农村公共产品供给机制,这种机制包括创新农村公共产品 需求的表达与供给决策的衔接机制,创新农村公共产品的运行制度等。尤其是作为补救措施,政府应对农村地区实行限期公共产品补偿性政策。Abstract: Countryside policies are differently characteristic in each stage, which forms t he different supply mechanism of the public product. Under the People's commune system the agricultural public product supply is relatively ensured. Along with that the government gives priority to developing the heavy industry and to esta blish the public product supply system differently between the city and countrys ide, the supply of agricultural public product gradually withers. The supply me chanism of top-down public product also causes the public product supply outsid e the system to lose touch with reality of the farmer demand. The tax reform and cancellation of agricultural tax even attack the agricultural public product su pply at the root . The key to solve the problem faced by the current agricultura l public product supply is to establish the agricultural public product supply m echanism in the public finance stereotype, which contains the system joining the innovation of agricultural public product demand expression, the supply decisi on-making , the innovation of agricultural public product movement system and s o on. It also has to lay stress on that the government should take limited compe nsating policies as remedial measure In rural area.