ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


New Development of Contemporary Aesthetics ——Reflections on Xu Dai's New Concept of Aesthetics

  • 摘要: 徐岱《美学新概念》是一本具有批判现实主义风格的美学专著。该书立足于"精神世界"的逻辑范式展开对美学问题的思考论证,不仅在美学领域取得新突破,而且在思想文化领域也有建树:批判理论主义,反思传统文化。同时,该书"美"与"思"中伴以"情" 之芳香把深奥的理论问题演绎得出神入化。


    Abstract: Xu Dai's book, New Concept of Aesthetics: The Humanistic Thinking in the 21stCen t uryis a monograph on aesthetics that features a spirit of critical realism. Writ ten with the paradigm of the spiritual world, the book explores the issue of ae sthetics. It is not only a breakthrough in the field of aesthetics, but also a contribution to the ideological and cultural circleswith its criticism of theor eticism and reflection on traditional culture. Meanwhile, the beauty and the sen timents the book conveys to readers, makes vivid the exploration of the profound theoretical issues.


