ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


From Premodern to Modern: Internal Logic of and Lessons from Community-s Changes

  • 摘要: 在对腾尼斯经典共同体理论和现代性的分析之后认为,当下语境的社区概念尽管与共同体存在着高度关联,但二者有着实质的区别,并不能等同;奢望以传统共同体的功能作为现代社区建设的目标,只能是缺乏实质意义的一厢情愿。


    Abstract: After an analysis of the classical community theory and modernity ad vanced by Ferdinand Tonnies, the article concludes that while the concept of co mmunity in the present context is intimately related with the community referred to by Ferdinand Tonnies?, they are not to be equated with each other as there are substantial differences between them, and it is of no avail to postulate the functions of the traditional community are the very objective for the construc tion of the modern community.


