ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


The Re-Construction of the Criminal Policy against Recidivists in China

  • 摘要: 加重处罚累犯,在很多国家的刑法典中都有明确规定。在中国,累犯较高的犯罪比率和残忍的犯罪手段,尚未得到足够重视。中国的刑事政策中直接针对累犯的对策很少,刑法的规定也不能有效应对累犯的犯罪态势,建议加大处罚累犯的力度。


    Abstract: Punish recidivists with increased sentences is explicitly promulgated in many countries' penal codes. However, in China, no full concern has been give n to the fact of high rate and cruelty of crimes committed by recidivists. There has been few countermeasures against recidivists in our criminal policy, and th e relevant provisions in the criminal law fail to fight against recidivists effe ctively, hence punishing recidivists with more severe punishment is strongly sug gested.


