On One-sided Accomplice
摘要: 从正反两方面对大陆法系共犯说及中国刑法理论界关于片面共犯的各观点予以评析,概括阐释了在当前的司法环境下承认片面共犯为共同犯罪形态的必要性,同时从犯罪构成要件的主客观方面说明了片面共犯可以成立共同犯罪的理由,最后阐述了不同类型的片面共犯及其刑事责任。Abstract: The article briefly comments on the merits and deficiencies of the theory of the joint crime in mainland China's law system and the various opinions concerning one-sided accomplice in the field of criminal studies. Then the article analy zes the necessity of taking one-sided accomplice as one form of the joint crim e in the current judicial context and the rationale forit based on the consti tutes of crime. Finally the articleelaborates on the different types of one-sid ed accomplice and the corresponding criminal responsibilities.