ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


On Revision of Formality Requirements for Marriage-s in Mainland China

  • 摘要: 在内地居民结婚的形式要件方面,2003年颁行的《婚姻登记条例》对1994颁行的《婚姻登记管理条例》做了较大修改。修改的主要内容是:适当集中结婚登记机关、废除由当事人所在单位或居(村)民委员会出具婚姻状况证明的制度、废除婚前旁系血亲审查制度、废除婚前健康检查制度。尽管第一个方面的修改是成功的,但是后三个方面的修改有待商榷。


    Abstract: In respect of formality requirements for marriage in mainland China, Regulations for Marriage Registration issued in 2003 is a revision of Regulat ions for the Administration of Marriage Registration issued in 1994. Of amendme nts made are proper concentration of marriage registration institutions, aboliti on of certificate of marital status issued by the work unit or reside nt-s (or villager-s) committee where the parties concerned belong, abolitio n of the investigation of collateral and abolition of pre-marriage health examination of the parties concerned. While the first amendment is feasible , the last three are in need of further discussion.


