Study on Public Lending Right
摘要: 公共借阅权是著作权人利益与社会公众利益平衡的结果。它不是直接控制作品的权利,其内容仅在于获取补偿金。文章探讨了公共借阅权问题的提出,界定了其概念和权利性质,归纳了其特征,并对公共借阅权在适用中的问题作出了一些理论上的阐述。Abstract: Public Lending Right is a result of the balance of writers' benefits and social public benefits. It is not a kind of right to control works directly, its conten t lies in obtaining the compensation only. This article inquires into the cause of Public Lending Right, defines its concept and properties, induces its charact eristics, and expounds its problems in applying theoretically etc.
- public lending right /
- copyright /
- writer /
- works /
- public library
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