On the Borrowing of Foreignizing Method of Translation
摘要: 近年来,很多学者在英译汉理论和实践中借用国外的异化理论,认为归化法是民族中心主义的体现,异化法可以促进文化见的平等交流,是丰富汉语表现力、在多元文化语境中进行交流的必需。但事实上,不加区别地运用针对英美文化提出的理论,武断批评归化法会导致过度异化异文的产生,长期如此,会伤害汉语的美学本质。Abstract: Borrowing the Foreignizing theory of translation that originated from abroad, ma ny translation researchers argue that the theory can enhance the equal communica tion between cultures and improve the impressiveness of the Chinese language, he nce a must in multi-cultural communication. They also hold that the naturalizat ion method practiced by most Chinese translators in the past is a symptom of mar row-nationalism. However, this undifferentiating theory originally targeted at Anglo-Saxon culture, together with the charge made against naturalization meth od without good reasons will conspire to produce over-foreignized version and, consequently, undermine the aesthetic essence of the Chinese language in the lon g run.