ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


The Metaphorical Meaning of Circle Imagery in the Love Poems by Donne

  • 摘要: 英国玄学派诗歌领袖约翰·邓恩诗作笔法奇特,妙想连篇,似非而是。这种"新奇的" 玄 学诗风往往借助隐喻。如按传统修辞学的观点把隐喻视为一种修饰话语的修辞现象,把隐喻 两个项的相似点局限于对词语的分析,邓恩式隐喻显得"牵强附会,荒诞不经"。理查兹博士的"互相作用"理论(Interaction Theory)指出,隐喻是思维的互相交流而非词语的相互作用。这一理论对邓恩的奇喻有很强的解释力。文章试用这一理论分析邓恩爱情诗中圆形意象的隐喻意义,为解读邓恩爱情诗再提供一个视角。


    Abstract: The poetry by John Donne, a representative of the Metaphysical School in England in the 17th century, is unique in style, original in imagery, fantas tic in conceits, and the similarities between the tenor and the vehicle in the m etaphors are hard to be perceived. Donne's fantastic style lies mostly in the de licate metaphors. According to the traditional rhetorics, metaphor is a rhetoric al device used as an "ornament", the similarities between whose tenor and vehi cle are confined to the analysis of the lexical meaning. Donne's metaphors are d oubtlessly "far-fetched" and "absurd" to tailor to this theory. The Interac tion Theory by Dr. Richards declares metaphor is the "interaction of thoughts" instead of the transferring of lexical meanings. This theory is forceful in exp laining Donne's metaphors, which induces this paper to try tentatively to analyz e the metaphorical meaning of the "circle imagery" in Donne's love poems.


