"Trial",Nostalgia,Watching ——On the Flavor of Vernacular Culture Embedded in Shi Zhecun's Novels
摘要: 施蛰存是都市文学——中国新感觉派的中坚,其笔锋犀利,对上海这个畸形都会所进行的深入剖析,为学界所广知。但其数量可观的描写乡村生活的小说,却给人以"门庭 冷落鞍马稀"之感。作家一度生活在乡村,作品真实地记录了中国乡村的变化,因 而体现了丰富的乡土文化内蕴。从另一侧面来说,即便是其都市题材的小说,在批判城市畸形文明的同时,也褒扬了一种乡村理想的原始文明。Abstract: Shi Zhecun is the backbone of New Feeling, a school of Chinese urban L iterature. The sharp writing style that Shi Zhecun deploys in his penetrating st udy of Shanghai, a twisted metropolis, is well known among the literary circles. . On the other hand, a considerable number of novels Shi Zhecun has written abo ut country life are little known. Thanks to his former experiences in the countr yside, Shi Zhecun's novels are able to give a truthful depiction of the changes that have taken place in the rural areas of China. Hence a strong flavor of vern acular culture in his writing. Moreover, theprimitive civilization that is pecul iar to rural life is advocated when criticisms are made on the twisted urban civ ilization in his novels of urban themes.