ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Reflections on Feminist Translation Theory

  • 摘要: 西方女性主义与翻译研究的结合在20世纪后30年给传统翻译理论与实践观点带来了强烈的冲击,成为译学界的一股新生力量。文章着重探究了女性主义翻译观对翻译研究与实践及中国文学翻译的启示,并对其局限性和发展前景进行了反思。


    Abstract: The combination of feminism and translation had a strong impact on tra ditional translation theories and practice in the last 30 years of the last cent ury, thus becoming a new force in the translation circle. This paper mainly expl ores how feminist translation theory throws light on traditional translation stu dies as well as Chinese literary translation. Meanwhile, the theory's limitation s and future development are discussed.


