ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Translation Studies under the Context of Post-Colonial Theory

  • 摘要: 后殖民研究是近年来在中国人文科学领域兴起的一个热门话题。它是一个庞大而复杂的知识体系,涵盖了社会、政治、历史、文化等多个范畴。而后殖民主义理论也以其文化政治的批 判策略引导翻译研究走向更广的社会政治、文化和意识形态的语境,由此给予翻译深刻的现实意义。与丰富多彩的后殖民研究文献相比,后殖民翻译才刚开启了冰山一角。文章通过分析后殖民理论投射到翻译研究上的影响,指出中国的翻译事业应当走出一条既植根于本民 族的优秀文化传统,同时又兼收并蓄西方先进思想的特色道路。


    Abstract: Research on Post-colonial related problems is cropping up in the field of human ities recently, which is a huge and complicated system and covers many categorie s including society, politics, history, culture and so on. Post-colonia l theory with its cultural and political criticism guides the study of translati on to a more general context of social politics, culture and ideology so that tr anslation is granted with more realistic meaning. Compared with enormous researc hes on post-colonial problems, little is known about its influence on translati on theory. By analyzing the influence that post-colonial theory exerts upon tra nslation theory, this article aims to point out that Chinese translation study n ot only should be rooted on tradition but also be incorporated with leading west ern thoughts.


