ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Fate of "Author" ——On "Author" in Bakhtin-s Aesthetics

  • 摘要: 巴赫金前后期的作者观截然不同。从作者的位置、地位来看,由"超视"、中心转 向"平视"、非中心;从作者的涵义功能来看,作者由利用自己的价值立场与语言、文学性 形成紧张关系转向纯粹形式的创造。作者的命运在这种转变中,摆脱了"全知全能"上帝式 的阴影,但却又滑向死亡的边缘。这种结果源于巴赫金对于两种极端的主体观念的绝对主义调和。


    Abstract: There exists a striking difference between Bakhtin-s early and late v iews on "author". In terms of the position of "author", Bakhtin switches fro m an authorative perspective to an empathetic one. In terms of the significanc e of "author", Bakhtin shifts his conception of "author" from creating tensi on by opposing his values to literature formalism to creating pure formalism. I n this process of change, "author" frees himself from an authority omniscient in everything, and simultaneously brings himself to the verge of death which ari ses from Bakhtin-s reconciliation of two extreme views of subject.


