Common-Core Concept of ESP and Its Practical Significance
摘要: 专门用途英语(ESP)的语言共核指的是不同学科和职业在进行专业信息交流时均需要遵循的语言规则和交际技巧。专业交际学(TC)是在ESP共核教学理念指导下而发展起来的一门新型课程。它把专业信息交流所涉及的一般规则和通用技巧,如人文因素、修辞技巧和文件设计技巧引入教学,有利于提高学生的英语综合应用能力,对于在新形势下解决中国大学ES P教学的定位问题具有现实意义。Abstract: The common core of English for specific purposes (ESP) refers to the language co nventions and communication skills to be followed by all disciplines and occupat ions in communicating technical information. Technical communication (TC) is a n ew course developed on the basis of common-core concept of ESP. TC int roduces the general conventions and common skills of technical communication, su ch as human values, communicative rhetoric and document design, into ESP teachin g, which is effective on improving students' English proficiency and significant to the orientation of China's college ESP under the new situation.
- English for specific purposes /
- common core /
- technical communication
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