An Analysis of the Ways to Fulfil Three Metafunctions by Nominal Ellipsis
摘要: 作为一种常见的语言现象,名词性省略发生在实现概念功能、人际功能和语篇功能的各个层面。名词性省略在实现三种元功能的过程中,使用的途径多种多样。文章试图在韩礼德功能语法对三种元功能探讨的基础上,对英语名词性省略实现三种元功能的途径类型进行初步分析。Abstract: As a common language phenomenon, nominal ellipsis occurs in the fulfil ment of any of the three metafunctions, i.e. ideational, interpersonal and textu al functions. In fulfiling these three metafunctions, nominal ellipsis is vario usly applied. This article, based on Halliday's study on three metafunctions in his Introduction to Functional Grammar, tries to make a tentative analysis of th e ways to fulfil three metafunctions by means of nominal ellipsis.