ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


The Revelations of the Ideal Personality of Confucianism to the Contemporary Student's Outlook on Life

  • 摘要: 儒家理想人格是儒家整个思想体系的重要内容,其睿智的人生哲理对当代大学生的人生观教育具有启迪作用。从德治观、义利观、刚健观来研究儒家理想人格对大学生人生观的影响及其当代价值,以期儒家理想人格与现代社会能够同构契合和相互优化,为中国社会主义建设培养更多德才兼备的接班人。


    Abstract: The ideal personality is the most important content in the whole thinking system of Confucianism。The sagacious life philosophies enlighten the college student' s outlook on life. The essay study the impact and the contemporary value of the ideal personality of the Confucianism through three views, which are the view of morality and govern, the view of benefit and justice, the view of vigorous and fortitude. In order to cultivate more and more successors, we should bond the id eal personality of Confucianism with the modern society for the construction of our homeland.


