先秦墨家法律学说述评 ——墨家对儒家礼治学说的反动及其解析
Commentary of Pre-Qin's Mocius' Legal Thought ——Mocius' Reaction and Revision to the Confucian Thought of "Rule of Rite" and Some Analysis Corresponding
摘要: 对先秦墨家学说及其与儒家礼治学说的学术关系进行了重新的审视和系统解析,认为墨家学说在一定程度上只是儒家礼治学说的畸形变种,是对儒家礼治学说的一种理论反动,其学术进步性并没有现代某些学者所认定的那么夸张。Abstract: This article makes a new analysis and comment on the PreQin's Mocian thought and the academic relationship between Mocius and the Confucian thought of “Rule of Rite”, holding that the school of Mocius was in some extent just an abnormal variety deformed from the Confucian thought of “Rule of Rite” and was merely a theoretical antithesis of Confucian thought of “Rule of Rite”, and its academic value was not as too much as that some scholars had held.