On the Extreme Art Condition
摘要: 极端艺术情境是展示人性的理想平台,其中多种极端情景下所展示出的人性内涵多姿多彩。艺术家需要洞悉人性的真实性、复杂性、动态性,运用多种艺术手法将之揭示出来并寄予理解和宽容之情,才能使之获得感人的艺术魅力。Abstract: The extreme artistic context is an ideal level at which to reveal the various contents of human nature. To achieve a moving or charming result of the composition, the artists need to have deep insights into the authenticity, complexity and development of human nature and reveal them with a multitude of effective techniques integrated with tolerance and understanding.
- extreme artistic context /
- human nature /
- authenticity
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