言为心声与身世考索 ——以朱淑真"婚外恋"说为例
Words Are the Voice of the Mind and Textual Research on One's Life Experience——Taking “Love of Outsidemarriage” of Zhu Shuzhen as An Example
摘要: 有论者依据言为心声的原则来考索朱淑真的"婚外恋"事实,这种做法值得商榷。言为心声这一命题的成立,应有相当的限度和合适的语境。由于创作主体和形式受到诸多因素的限制,"言"与"心声"常表现出不和谐性。这一命题的合理意义更多地是在道德价值范畴里展开 ,恰是身世考索的结果为它的合理性提供依据,而不是相反。诗歌尤其是抒情诗的审美特质,使得"言"、"情"、"事"三者未必环环相扣,"以诗证史"时须慎之又慎。Abstract: Someone discuss the “love of outsidemarriage” of Zhu Shuzhen according to the principle of “words are the voice of the mind”. But this kind of discussion is not very rational. The parlance of “words are the voice of the mind” will be right only in some specific situations and proper talking background. Because the author herself and her poems were restricted by many kinds of factors, sometimes her “voice” and “mind” disagree with each other. The parlance of “words are the voice of the mind” will be more rational in the scope of morality and value. Only the exploration of Zhu Shuzhen's life experiences can provide evidence to the rationality of this parlance rather than the opposite status. The particularity of poems especially the lyrics tells us that words, feelings and things don't always keep in accordance with each other. We must be deliberate when using poems to testify the history facts.