Image Schema and Nonpropositional Meaning of Metaphor
摘要: 意象在隐喻理解中的作用,向来是一个富有争议性的问题。文章总结了前人的理论和实验成果,建立了隐喻的符号学模型,提出意象内容是隐喻理解中的重要机制,它通过作用于隐喻的第二级指示行为影响人们对隐喻的理解。意象构成隐喻的非命题意义,而这又恰恰是为历来众多隐喻家们所忽视的问题。这一研究具有理论和实践价值,在理论上是对传统隐喻意义研究的补充,在实践上对语言教学活动具有指导意义。Abstract: This paper attempts to deal with a controversial problem in current research of metaphor, that is, the iconicity of metaphor. The author argues that imagery is a crucial mechanism in the comprehension and the imagery content of a metaphor constitutes the non-propositional meaning of the metaphor whose existence has long been denied by the traditional theories. To examine this problem, the author first reviews the main findings in the relevant literature and then builds a semiotic model of metaphor, in which the role of imagery can be easily detected. Both the linguistic data and the experiment provide ample evidence in favor of our argument. This study is significant in that it attempts to explore a hitherto neglected domain of metaphorical meaning.