Entrance of 6Sigma Deployment in Chinese Corporation
摘要: 6Sigma管理法已在众多国际知名企业中得到了成功应用,中国企业虽然有引入先进方法的意识,但苦于鲜有类似成功先例,不知该如何针对自身情况具体开展实施。文章针对这一问题,基于对国内几家代表性企业以及国防系统科研院所的实际实施情况的分析,提出了中国企业推行6Sigma管理法的可行途径即先进行较小范围内的6Sigma项目试点,待试点项目取得成功后再全面展开,并针对其中的关键部分——如何选择6Sigma试点项目进行了详细阐述。Abstract: Six Sigma has been deployed successfully in many international corporations, while in China, there is some difficulty for domestic national enterprises to perform it because there is little experience of the kind. This paper will refer to the ways to deploy the Six Sigma method on the base of the successful action of four corporations and several institutes. Furthermore, it brings forward methods to solve the problems.