ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C

诗有画意 ——论现代视觉艺术对威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯诗歌的影响

Influence of Modern Visual Arts on W.C.Williams's Poems

  • 摘要: 威廉斯生活和创作的时代是现代视觉艺术勃兴的时代。通过对威廉斯诗歌的分析,探讨现代视觉艺术与威廉斯创作思想和艺术技巧的关系。威廉斯从视觉艺术革命中汲取养分,在诗歌创作中完成了题材和形式的创新。他确立了"一切皆可入诗"的文艺思想,在诗中构筑了复杂的张力体系,并在诗中借用绘画的元素——色彩,通过色彩的对比和张力表现多样并存、运动变化的世界。正是这些富有开创性的成就,使威廉斯成为美国诗歌史上一个重要的里程碑。


    Abstract: W.C.Williams lived in the period in which the visual arts developed fast. With explicit textual analysis, this paper attempts to probe into the relations between the writing idea and aesthetic techniques used in the poems and modern visual arts. Williams changed the traditional theme and form of poems and put forward a famous idea——"A poem can be made of anything" and created tensions in his poems. At the same time, he expanded the aesthetic dimension of poems by adoption of colors. As a result of these achievements, Williams became a milestone in the history of American poetry.


