Modern Characteristics of Tragic Consciousness in Hardy's Works
摘要: 哈代作品的悲剧意识是哈代研究中一直被关注的焦点。而哈代作为处于新旧时代交界线上的作家,其创作必然受到现代意识、现代观念的影响。文章从20世纪现代悲剧观念的角度切入对哈代悲剧意识的分析,阐述叔本华生命悲观主义哲学对哈代的影响以及哈代对现代悲剧观念的认同,并具体阐述哈代作品中悲剧意识的现代内涵。Abstract: The tragic consciousness in Hardy's works has been a focus in the study of Hardy, which was influenced by the modern consciousness and ideas. This paper analyzes, from the modern tragic ideas in the 20th century, Hardy's tragic consciousness concerning the influence Hardy got from Schopenhauer's life pessimism philosophy and the modern connotation of the tragic consciousness in Hardys works.