ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Policy Reform of the Resident Register System of College Graduates in Beijing

  • 摘要: 非北京应届毕业生进京指标一直是学生、学校和企业比较关心的话题,笔者运用微观经济学和制度经济学理论分析了进京指标政策中存在的政府失灵、福利损失、效率损失和不公平现象,给出了完全放开、数量控制和价格控制三个改革方案,并依据社会稳定、效率和公平三个指标,对三个方案进行了成本效益分析。


    Abstract: Number controlling of nonlocal college graduate entry into Beijing is a focus concerned by the graduate and enterprise. This article applies the theories of institution economic and microeconomic to analyze government failure, welfare loss, efficiency loss and unfairness in this policy, provides and compare three substitutes in social stability, efficiency and fairness.


