ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


A Case and Improper Behavior (Ought Not to Do) Crime in Ancient China

  • 摘要: "不应得为"罪是中国古代法律体系中的一个重要罪名,尤其在唐代更是趋于成熟。文章试图从《龙筋凤髓判》中的一个关于"不应言而上言罪"的典型判例出发,考查中国古代"不应得为"罪的历史发展脉络,并在此基础上对其进行综合分析评价,批判作为封建司法制度专横产物的"罪刑擅断主义",从而确认"罪刑法定之原则"在中国法制建设史上的重大作用,进而对这一原则提出反思。


    Abstract: In ancient China there was a serious crime called as Ought Not To Do, which came into its full being in Tang Dynasty. The paper discusses a case on Ought Not To Say crime in a great work of the ancient China legal system cases about Dragon and Phoenix, analyses how the Ought Not To Do crime came into being, criticizes the judge-centered legal system in the feudal society, and verifies the role the legal principle of crimes played in the legal system development history in China.


