Enlightenment of Buddhist Idea of Mercy and Benefiting Others to the Development of Contemporary Literature
摘要: 很多当代文学作品太过执著和注重个人感受的倾诉,而缺乏一种利益社会人心、真诚关怀人类的生存处境和精神处境,给人类的心灵以慰藉和照耀的理想精神和气质。佛教的慈悲利他思想,对当代文学的发展有着有益的启示。一些深受佛教慈悲利他思想浸润的文学作品的成功证明了这一点。Abstract: Contemporary literature pays too much attention to confiding individual emotions and lacks concerning about society and others. Buddhist idea of mercy and benefiting others has very good enlightenment to the development of contemporary literature, which the success of some contemporary literature which is deeply influenced by the Buddhist idea of mercy and benefiting others has already been proved.