ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Investigation into the Foreign Language Learning Motivations Among Engineering College Students

  • 摘要: 以问卷调查的形式, 对工科院校大学生外语学习动机和困难原因进行了调查分析。研究结果表明:当前工科院校大学生在外语学习中以工具型动机(即实用目的)为主;将近半数或半数以上的学生对外语学习本身感兴趣, 并从中获得了乐趣和成就感;另有一半的学生对外语学习有畏难情绪, 并对教材、授课方式及语言使用环境提出了更高的要求。


    Abstract: This paper investigated the foreign language learning motivations and learning difficulties among engineering college student. The result shows: 1) at present, the engineering college students learn a foreign language mainly for practical purposes; 2) around half of the students investigated show interest in the language itself and get fun and a sense of achievement in the learning process; 3) yet, there are also around half of the students experiencing difficulties in learning a foreign language and wishing some improvements in the teaching material, teaching methods and language use environment.


