Promoting the Criterion Management of Graduates
摘要: 研究生教育具有招生类型多、培养模式多、学位授予类型多的特点,随着研究生规模的增加,建立基于网络的研究生综合信息管理系统是现代化管理的需要。文章简要介绍了北航研究生院自主开发的研究生综合信息管理系统的体系结构、系统设计原则与特点,论述了系统在研究生教育管理工作规范化中所发挥的重要作用。Abstract: As the number of graduate students and the type of graduate students increasing, building graduate management information system based on network become very important to modern graduate education management. This paper mainly discusses the relationship between information building and criterion management with the examples of the graduate management system of BUAA, and finally introduces the realization of information system development in the university.