ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Assessment Technique for Retrieval Results from Educational Resource Database

  • 摘要: 对教育资源库的检索结果评价是各种教育资源库检索性能评价方案中最直接的方法。该文在总结目前教育资源库的四种主流检索方式的基础上,分析了传统信息检索的特征,结合教育资源库的网络化、海量化发展趋势,借鉴网络搜索引擎评价技术中的“相关性范畴”和“前X命中纪录查准率”概念,提出了一种基于考察替代查准率来对教育资源库检索结果进行评价的方法。


    Abstract: Assessment of the retrieval results from the educational resource database (ERD) is the most direct method among various different retrieval assessment precepts. Based on the review of the current mainstream methods in the field of ERD retrieval methods, this paper analyzes the characteristics of the traditional information retrieval. Moreover, taking the concepts of "Relevant Category" and "Precision(X)" as reference, a method through which assessment of retrieval results from ERD can be conducted is also presented in this paper, with regard to the rapid development of network and data massiness.


