Fictional Justice: Background Narrative of Artistic Form
摘要: 艺术形式具有相对于自身的合法性存在所需的"正义"功能。它对历史叙事的介入导致历史叙事后撤为背景而将艺术叙事植入前景,构成历史叙事的中断并取得自律存在。它是对人类审美冲动的感性辩护。它的诗性体系中的政治含蕴构成了某种潜文本。它的"正义"功能是虚拟的。Abstract: Artistic form is of justice function for its legal existence. Its interference of the history narrative makes it a background and makes art narrative a foreground, which breaks history narrative and leads to the autonomy of art. And it is a perceptual defense of human aesthetic impulse. Also, the political significance of its poetic system constructs some subtext with its fictional justice function.