Definition and Statistic Analysis of Resource-management-based Technological Innovation Capability
摘要: 从能力的基本定义和实质出发, 从技术创新资源和技术创新管理的角度提出了制造业企业技术创新能力的定义, 并建立了评价指标。使用非参数统计方法证明了企业所拥有的技术创新资源及其管理水平共同决定了技术创新能力的大小, 提出了资源是基础, 管理是合理配置资源的过程, 资源和管理必须协调发展, 才能有效激活企业资源, 提高技术创新能力, 并提出了中国企业增加技术创新资源的途径, 即应注重管理创新, 从而提高技术创新能力。Abstract: Based onthe resource and innovation management , the technological innovation capability is defined and some key indexes are designed . The non- parameter statistics shows that both resources and management are significantly related withthe innovative capability , they should be developed together and harmoniously . Also , the paper puts forward some newways for Chinese corporations to improve their resources and management innovation as well at the same time .