ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C

Recruitment Management of Engineering Master Student

Study and Practice on the Training of Aeronautical Engineering-oriented Postgraduates

  • 摘要: 介绍了北京航空航天大学动力系5年来工程硕士培养的基本情况,并从"工程领域与课程设置简介"、"工程硕士的论文培养过程及质量保证"、"为国防现代化和国民经济建设培养高层次工程技术人才"等三方面对工程硕士培养工作进行了总结,为今后进一步开展工程硕士专业学位教育提出了建议。


    Abstract: This paper presents an introduction for the training of aeronautical engineering-oriented postgraduates enrolled in the Department of Jet Propulsion (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics). Three different issues are discussed, which include the field of aeronautical engineering and the setting of courses, the training process and the quality guarantee of engineering-oriented post-graduates' dissertation, the training of students with ability for the modernization of national defense and civil economical construction. And also some suggestions are made to the training in the future.


