ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C

彭漪涟先生《逻辑范畴论》述评——— 逻辑范畴理论的新探索、新成果

Commentary of Logic Category by Peng Yilian———A New Exploration and Achievement of Logic Category Theory

  • 摘要: 彭漪涟先生撰写出版的《逻辑范畴论》是我国关于逻辑范畴理论的第一部学术专著。其中关于逻辑范畴及其体系的理论, 包含了许多彭先生自己关于逻辑范畴理论的新突破和对当前逻辑范畴理论的超越, 具有重要的理论和实践意义。


    Abstract: Logic Category written by Peng Yilianis the first academic book about logic category theoryin China , the logic category and its systemtheory of which shows the author’s newbreakthroughinlogic categorytheory .


