Six Misunderstandings about Economic Development
摘要: 讨论了当前经济发展上的6 个模糊认识: 将企业竞争力等同于企业的技术水平; 将技术进步等同于R&D; 将高技术产业等同于高技术; 将国家间的经济关系等同于企业间的竞争关系; 将技术的跨跃等同于资本积累的跨跃; 将市场的不完善等同于市场的失灵, 并指出它们可能带来的危害。Abstract: The six misunderstandings about economic development are discussed and their brought-about harmfulness pointed out . The six misunderstandings are : considering competitiveness equal to technologylever , technology progress equal to R&D, the hi-techindustry equal to hightechnology , the economic relation betweentwo countries equal to competitive relation betweentwo enterprises , the leapingover of technology equal to the leaping-over of capital , and incomplete market systems equal to the failures of market .
- economic development /
- factor endowment /
- technology
[1] Krugman P R.International Economics :Theory and Policy[M] . MA:Addision- Wesley Longman , 1997 . [2] 林毅夫, 蔡日方, 李周. 中国的奇迹: 发展战略与经济改革[M] .上海: 上海人民出版社,1996 .
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