Research on Economic Globalization and Human Resource Development
摘要: 加入WTO, 不仅对人力资源的开发带来积极影响, 而且也将产生一些负面作用。入世后, 应从中国的实际出发, 采取各种切实有效的对策措施, 诸如: 深化制度、体制、组织、人事、政策、法规等方面的改革, 清除横亘在人力资源开发中的体制障碍、制度障碍、政策障碍及法规障碍等; 完善人力资源开发的激励机制; 采取各种积极有效的优惠政策, 吸引招览国外人才来中国工作, 等。Abstract: Becoming a member of WTOhas not only positive but also negative effects to China. Based onthe Chinese reality , this paper probes into the countermeasures for strenghthening reforms , removing obstacles , perfecting inspiration mechanism, as well as adopting related talent policies , all of which have great theoretical and practical significance .