转变教育思想, 深化外语教学改革
Shifting of Educational Concept for Further Reform in Teaching Foreign Languages
摘要: 以转变教育思想、更新教育观念、加快大学外语教学改革为主线, 结合多年大学外语教学经验,以具体事例为依据, 探讨了在培养学生创造性应用语言的能力、坚持“启发式”教学方法和调整大学俄语四级考试等诸方面问题, 对推行大学外语教学改革、提高教学质量具有现实意义。Abstract: Based ontypical cases and onthe experience of foreignlanguage teachingfor years , the author , withthe focus on shifting of educational concept for the further reforminteaching foreign languages , has discussed the issues on the development of students’language competence , sustained adoptionof elicitation method , and adjustment of Russian Band 4 Test . All of which will benefit the current teaching reformand teaching quality improving.