ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


On the Continuing Education of Young Teachers

  • 摘要: 高校的青年教师是高等教育的基础和未来。当前的青年教师队伍建设出现了种种矛 盾和问题,体现在思想道德和业务能力等各个方面。对青年教师的继续教育是解决一系列矛 盾和问题的关键。文章分析了青年教师队伍存在的各种问题,指出了继续教育的作用和重要 性,并针对青年教师队伍的继续教育提出了初步的合理化建议。


    Abstract: Young teachers are important human rescources to universi ties, of the problems occuring among them, some facets concerning professional m orality and capability are obvious, to which the papers argues that continuing e ducation is a better solution. On this basis, the author puts forward some sugge stions concerning the continuing education of young teachers.


