Manager's Behavior in the Theory of Behavioral Corporate Finance
摘要: 正如行为金融学能够解释资本市场中的许多异常行为一样,行为公司财务能够很好 解释公司财务决策中的许多异常行为。这些异常行为的产生,或是因为受到资本市场上投资 者的非理性行为的影响,或是企业管理者本身的非理性行为所至。文章从管理者行为的角度 ,阐述了行为公司财务研究的主要内容。Abstract: Just as behavioral corporate finance can provide a good explanation fo r the abnormal behavior of corporate financing, behavioral finance can work well with the explanation of the abnormal behavior of the firm's financial decision. The paper points out that the abnormal behavior may have stemmed from either th e investor's or the manager's irrationality, and interprets the core content of behavioral corporate finance in terms of managers' behavior.