Analysis of Imbalance of Regional Development of Insuran ce Market
摘要: 剖析了中国保险市场区域不均衡性的现状,探讨了经济增长对中国保险市场发展的影响,运 用定量分析方法,研究了保险市场区域不均衡性与中国经济发展的区域不均衡性之间的联系 ,对中国保险市场存在的问题进行了分析,并对各地区未来的保险发展提出对策。Abstract: This paper analyzes the imbalance of regional development of domestic insurance market and the impact of economic growth on the development of insurance market in China.Employing the quantitative analytical method, the authors study the re lationship between the imbalance of regional development of insurance market and that of economic growth.Based on the available data, the paper discusses the p roblems with insurance market in China and puts forward some solutions.